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JOURNEY™ II BCS with the NAVIO Surgical System featuring the Bur All Technique Video

JOURNEY™ II BCS with the NAVIO Surgical System featuring the Bur All Technique

David Rovinsky, MD, performs a robotic-assisted JOURNEY™ II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) knee surgery with NAVIO™ Surgical System featuring the bur all technique.
Live Surgery: Bicruciate Ligament Sparing TKA with JOURNEY™ II XR Featuring CORI™ Surgical System Video

Live Surgery: Bicruciate Ligament Sparing TKA with JOURNEY™ II XR Featuring CORI™ Surgical System

Dr. Jimmy Chow demonstrates how to perform a JOURNEY™ II XR procedure using CORI™ Surgical System.
NAVIO™ Robotic-Assisted TKA: Accuracy, Gap Balancing & Journey™ II for Optimum Performance! Video

NAVIO™ Robotic-Assisted TKA: Accuracy, Gap Balancing & Journey™ II for Optimum Performance!

Smith & Nephew's Orthopaedic Surgeon David Rovinsky, MD discusses the benefits of NAVIO™ robotic-assisted TKA with the JOURNEY™ II for accuracy and gap-balancing during knee surgeries.
Live surgery from HSS featuring JOURNEY II BCS Video

Live surgery from HSS featuring JOURNEY II BCS

Live surgery from HSS featuring JOURNEY II BCS - Performed by Dr. Steven Haas and moderated by Dr. David Mayman
JOURNEY™ II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Knee featuring the Distal Bur Technique using the NAVIO Surgical System Video

JOURNEY™ II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Knee featuring the Distal Bur Technique using the NAVIO Surgical System

David Rovinsky, MD, performs a robotic-assisted JOURNEY™ II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) knee surgery with NAVIO™ Surgical System featuring the distal bur technique.
The JOURNEY II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Total Knee System Video

The JOURNEY II Bi-Cruciate Stabilized (BCS) Total Knee System

Steven Haas, MD - Operating Surgeon
Dave Mayman, MD - Narrating Surgeon


Orthopaedic Surgeon, James "Chip" Comadoll, MD, performs a total knee arthroplasty using a JOURNEY™ II and NAVIO™ 7 robotic assistance.
Surgical Demonstration: JOURNEY™ II XR with NAVIO™ Bi-cruciate Retaining Robotic-Assisted TKA procedure featuring the NAVIO™ Surgical System Video

Surgical Demonstration: JOURNEY™ II XR with NAVIO™ Bi-cruciate Retaining Robotic-Assisted TKA procedure featuring the NAVIO™ Surgical System

Dr. Jimmy Chow performs a total knee arthroplasty on a 52 year old competitive cyclist using the JOURNEY II XR knee with robotic-assistance from the NAVIO™ Surgical System